Pittsford residents count on town services (like yard debris pickup and snow plowing) and unique amenities (like our community center, library, and parks system). Maintaining and improving our quality of life through stable taxes and infrastructure investment are the basic building blocks of solid town leadership.
There are two kinds of infrastructure. We must invest in the physical upkeep of our roads, sewage system, drainage network, and energy distribution systems. We must also invest in the “social” infrastructure of services that keep us connected to one another--like funding for our recreation department and senior programs, and a commitment to bike and pedestrian friendly streets.
Making investments in infrastructure requires engaged leadership. A leader with the vision and people skills to partner with our representatives in Albany as well as neighboring towns, universities, and businesses.
We don’t need to rely on raising homeowner taxes as our only strategy for infrastructure investments. Pittsford taxpayers deserve data-driven leadership that is accountable, transparent, and creative.
Government must represent all of the people and not just those of a chosen political party or whose friends are in power. Transparency and accountability in government is just a start. We must foster a participatory approach to decision making.
Town government must work for all residents. The time is now for representation that’s committed to being inclusive. That means more community forums, citizen committees, and wider access to volunteer board service. That's how Pittsford residents can participate in community life in more meaningful ways.
Well-maintained roads, sidewalks, trails, and bike paths keep our community safe, active and connected. They also improve home values. Our town’s Active Transportation Plan is a commitment to ongoing improvements that will deliver long-term, quality of life value to Pittsford residents.
Rethinking transportation is about more than fixing potholes and building sidewalks. It is about recognizing the mobility requirements of goods, services, and employees in the on-demand economy. How, when, and where we move is rapidly changing. Investments in our pedestrian and bike infrastructure, public transportation, and hiking and biking trails are needed. Maintaining local control is essential as we bring more investments to Pittsford’s transportation future.
Natural Beauty
We are lucky to live in a 12,000 acre community graced with scenic beauty, green spaces, open farmlands, a historic village, and our world famous Erie Canal. Successful stewardship of our agricultural, suburban, and village communities requires thoughtful consideration of local laws about development, noise, wildlife populations, hunting, farming, clean water, and many other concerns.
Based on the community feedback we’ve gathered in our town’s Comprehensive Plan Update, the next Supervisor will make important decisions about the Pittsford Town Code. This code will set policy for new developments that will shape our community and affect taxpayers for decades to come. The code will also set policy about residential improvement projects and additions.​
​We must preserve green space while thoughtfully considering new developments that grow our tax base.
We must preserve the character of historic properties while not getting in the way of residents who want to make home improvements or do basic remodeling.
We must consider developments that offer less expensive housing options to give retiring seniors a way to continue to live in our town.
We must continue to connect our walking trails, build more sidewalks, and encourage neighborhoods to invest in community spaces like vegetable gardens, play places, or dog parks.
Right now, more than one-third of our community’s population is over the age of 55. That figure is expected to rise in the next 10 years. We must prioritize, engage, and support our current residents in ways that encourage them to remain members of our community for decades to come.
Many homeowners face tough decisions once their children leave the public school system. We must find a way to retain residents who have helped shape our community over the years. More vibrant multi-generational services and increased community engagement are needed to provide the vibrant and liveable town that they deserve.
Changing Workforce
We have long been known as one of the best communities in Upstate New York as a home to leaders in the academic, medical, and business fields. Maintaining that excellence and achievement is a shared priority.
As residents of Pittsford, we value a community where people feel safe, productive, respected, and included. That’s why we must champion inclusive business practices and education in partnership with local businesses, entrepreneurs, schools, universities, nearby towns, and the City of Rochester. Creative thinking and careful fiscal management are needed to grow Pittsford’s leadership position in our community.