Kendra grew-up in a small rural community in Western Pennsylvania. Her dad was a steel worker and a volunteer firefighter. Her mom devoted herself to caring for Kendra and her younger sister.
Kendra learned to work hard from a very young age. No matter how long a day her dad had worked at the mill, he always made time to help a neighbor till a garden or put-up hay. Similarly, her mom was very involved with their church - helping in the fellowship hall, the nursery, or making meals for a neighbor. As the oldest child, Kendra was right by their side. She was taught to love her neighbor as herself.
Kendra is the first in her extended family to attend college. She graduated from the University of Chicago, earning degrees in political science and public policy. While there, Kendra interned for then rookie U.S. Senator Dick Durbin, working on constituent services.
After graduation, Kendra left politics for teaching. She earned a master’s degree from the University of Pittsburgh and has taught in elementary schools across the country. Upon moving to Pittsford, Kendra opened a small business and served as a program manager at RIT. Kendra has first-hand experience in budgeting, marketing, program development and personnel management.
Kendra is a dedicated community organizer. She co-founded PittsFORWARD, a grassroots initiative that advocates for equity, access, and belonging for all who live, work, and visit Pittsford, and she serves as Leader of the Pittsford Democratic Committee. During her short tenure, the Committee has achieved a greater presence in our community through volunteer efforts with Pittsford Food Cupboard and Adopt-A-Highway programs. They also went from never a Democrat on Town Board to a majority of Democrats. As an active member of the Pittsford Rotary Club, Kendra embodies the motto of service above self. Mother to three middle schoolers, she has fond memories as room parent and assistant little league coach. She also served as Vice President of the Education Council for the District Parent/Teacher Association and as a member of District Planning Team.
Kendra respects the rights of people to be who they are and intentionally creates space for every neighbor to have an equal voice in community decision-making. Her data-driven, action-oriented leadership style is just what Pittsford needs to meet the challenges of today and move forward as a vibrant, resilient community.